1st Annual Freeshare Fundraiser

We're getting ready to kick off this coming spring with our 1st Annual Freeshare Fundraiser. Our goal is to get the community involved and get in-the-know about how valuable Freeshare is to us, and how it could change the lives to those in Freeshare communities. We're working on building a Freeshare location in Stevens County, Washington. Freeshare will provide resources and free clothing, food, household goods, hygiene products, shelter, and furniture to those in need.

Labor Of Love 

One small act of random kindness can change the world.
The Lord spoke in John 13:34: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."
One spare hour of your freetime could help the elderly, those with special needs, and a neighbor. Whether it's an extra hand for team lifting, or helping someone get some cleaning done around the house, it's a beautiful gesture of kindness straight from the heart. It is a rewarding experience to be apart of Labor of Love.

At our 1st Annual Freeshare Fundraiser, there will be a roster to sign up for those who want to help others, and those seeking a little help from others.

Farm To Freeshare

Farm to Freeshare gives you access to free and fresh produce and gardening tools, tips, and plants.

If you have an extra fruit tree, but won't be picking it or using the fruit, post it on Freeshare or let us know during our Fundraiser. Your tree can provide food for many families in need. We're very thankful for Farm to Freeshare supporters.

We will go into detail about the rewards of being apart of this program.

Are you interested in attending the 1st Annual Freeshare Fundraiser?

Leave a comment below!
