About The Freeshare Family

Crystal B
Family Captain of Freeshare

Nathan K
Contributor of Freeshare
Joseph R
Contributor of Freeshare

"My dream for Freeshare began with Project Labor of Love. Labor of Love began in the woodlands of the Pacific Northwest, when I began searching for a new home. Right down the road of my childhood home was a small house. The yard was overgrown with tall brush and grass. We took a look inside, and we couldn't believe our eyes.

 I saw the books still scattered in the shelf, some were on the floor with other things that were dropped, but the woman who lived there could not bend to pick them back up. Her belongings were just as they were left when she was still alive. The house was covered in dust and some spills from long ago that had stained the kitchen floors that she could not clean up.

There are many people who are needing help no matter what their situation is. I've learned that if I gave a helping hand, it will surely come back to me!

Freeshare & Labor of Love is designed to help those in need by offering services and labor without expense. We give a place to give and share out of the love of our hearts for one another, as Jesus Christ has taught. Freeshare is knitted together with Project Labor of Love, and our new Farm to Freeshare program.

We're also seeking those who craft and would like to give back to the community and share from the heart! We would love to have you here.

So i rounded up my faithful fellow contributors, Nathan K, David K, and Joseph R. They will be helping to make this website useful and lovely for all of us.

"We are still of coarse in the development stage, and we have a ways to go, but our dream is to build a brick and mortar Freeshare location so that we can come together, and give back to the communities.

Did you know that most Americans don't even know their neighbors?
We built Freeshare to bring communities together as well. We want to build a safe place to get everyone involved. So, we've fired up a plan to organize get-togethers, free training centers to learn new skills from a-z, and family oriented fun.
We want to encourage others to get involved with their family community, and bring us all closer. We would all like to build a Freeshare family together."


Crystal B. said…
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